Order Logistics Intercept

Optimising Refund Order Logistics to Enhance Customer Experience

 Key Solution: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)


Retailers face several challenges when handling refund orders, especially during promotions, such as:

  • High manual workload: Retailers must manually check logistics companies, contact them, and request the interception of shipments, which is time-consuming.
  • Inefficient refund process: After the refund request, logistics often continue delivery, leading to unnecessary returns and delays.
  • Poor customer experience: Unnecessary deliveries waste consumers’ time and negatively affect their perception of the store’s service.
  • Increased logistics costs: The manual process of intercepting orders can result in additional costs due to delays and unnecessary shipments.


Using RPA, digital employees can automatically intervene in logistics processes, improving both the timeliness and accuracy of logistics interception, ensuring consumers do not receive unnecessary shipments, and helping reduce logistics costs.

Before Implementation:
  • 2.5 minutes per task and 3 employees
  • High risk of human error and delays, particularly during peak sales periods.
  • Higher logistics costs.
After Implementation:
  • Refund orders are automatically identified, logged into the e-commerce platform, and shipments are stopped before they reach the customer.
  • Updates are automatically sent to the relevant WeChat work group, notifying them of intercepted orders and logistics updates.
  • Reduced logistics costs and man-hours.

100% Accuracy

10x Efficiency

90% Less Workload

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